Sunday, November 6, 2011

Why are women starting to call themselves b****es as if it is a good thing?

This is really getting on my nerves. You know how guys in rap and hip hop keep calling females *****es? Why are a lot of women encouraging this behavior all of a sudden? I have friends who have "Bad B****" as part of their name on facebook. WTF!? Really!? You're not supposed to be encouraging this! If a guy calls you a *****, you don't agree!! Am I the only one who whenever I hear somebody referring to women as b****es in a song it ruins the whole song? People are startin to refer to women as b****es and men as ****** in hip hop songs and its just annoys the **** out of me! Nicki Minaj is even sayin stuff like this in her songs. If you're thinking I'm probably some old lady who can't down a man. No, I'm 14.

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