Monday, November 14, 2011

The ratio of the distances a pitching wedge and an 8-iron?

the ratio of the distances a pitching wedge and an 8-iron will drive a golf ball is 4 to 5. If a golfer averages 137 yards with a pitching wedge, how far should she average with an 8-iron?

Can anyone tell me about the history and some facts about the Washington Monument in Washington DC?

I have to do a report on it and would like anybody's insight other than Wikipedia and the government.

Medicines used by cancer patients are costly. Is there facility to get them at subsidised rates?

When my insurance ended before it was picked up through COBRA, my surgeon offered to let me stay at the hospital for all the treatments. He said the last thing I should be worrying about is payment. My health came first. If I stayed there and had chemo and radiation treatments, I wouldn't have been turned away, whether I had insurance or not. But my insurance kicked back in and I paid 25 a month for my chemo, saving me several thousands of dollars a month.

Need help fundraising???

write an article for the paper - tell about the life of a tasmanian devil and why you want to donate money to this cause. Have your phone number at the bottom and be sure to mention your parent's names and any other extra curricular activities you are in so people will know you can be trusted and won't just keep their money! Good luck.

Who is good at bike and bicycles part or engineering? please make me a easy summary about this?

Can't summarize that; it is what it is. I hope you are not thinking of building something along those lines.

What is the best way to hang Christmas lights on the house?

I am trying to find those plastic clips (all stores seem to be out of them, Home Depot, Target, etc.). The plastic clips I have seen can attach to the gutter and also to tile roof shingles. Not sure I want to put nails or hooks into the stucco.

What are examples of american ? (help with homework!)?

I know language, music, food, music, housing/shelter... I know there are lots more, any suggestions? I have a collage due tomorrow, and I have to print everything off my computer, because my mom threw out her magazines the other day. If you have any pictures too, that would be helpful. I was thinking about putting a map of the US, is that a good idea? Any info or source would help! I already have NASCAR, George Washington, technology, pets, currency, schooling, food, the lincoln monument, and entertainment (television). Should I put some holidays down too, like christmas and that sort of stuff?